MS Excel - for beginners
Interesse für den Kurs

MS Excel - for beginners (MSE1)

This course designed for user who want to learn the basics of using powerful spreadsheet MS Excel. Participants will learn how to work with their data in the form of tables and use the powerful tools of the program.

Der Kurs ist der Kategorie zugeordnet: Kancelářské aplikaceMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft Excel

Kursstufe: Anfänger

Course duration: 2 days


  • Excel Introducing
    purpose and use, workspace, using
  • File
    Save, Open, Save As, type of Files
  • Working with data
    fill data, file, sheet, select cell, selection, Fill Series, Undo
  • Basic Calculation
    function, formula, using, summation, subtraction, multiplication, dividing, involution, evolution, percentage, average
  • Cell address
    relative address, absolut address, using
  • Copy and move
    using, copy or move data, copy or move calculations
  • Table editing
    How to edit numbers? (rules and using), How to edit text? (rules and using), Align data, (rules and using), Borders (rules and using), column width, rows height
  • Charts Graphs
    kind of charts, using, select data, How to create chart, size and chart position, chart editing
  • Objects
    purpose and using, WordArt (insert, edit), Online pictures (insert, edit), picture (insert, edit)
  • Page
    Page Setup (format, margins, orientation), Header and Footer (settings, fill), Fields (purpose, using, insert)
  • Sheets
    move, select, insert, delete, copy, move, rename, Tab color, Hide/Unhide sheet
  • Print
    printers (types, using) ,settings, Print Preview, print
  • Info
    other informations, information resources

Erforderliche Kenntnisse: User knowledge of Windows OS.

Der Kurspreis enthält auch Drucksachen im Wert von: 100 CZK

Zeitplan: 9:00 - 17:00


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